Many in my acquaintance are lucky enough to own a country home; a cottage; a camp. I own one too. And, I love it. But ...
One thing that's not so great, is that a cottage needs maintenance, and time, and as such can come in the way of an owner and his or her plans to travel elsewhere; anywhere! For some it can become like the proverbial golden hand-cuffs, essentially keeping the owner so busy having fun and spending money, that there is little or no time or financial resources left over to travel ... Anywhere or any time. And, even if money is no problem, I have found cottagers are somewhat leery about cruising. Many believe - incorrectly - that cruising can't possibly be for them.
The truth is that of course cruising is not for everyone, but I have discovered in my time as an enthusiastic, if not full time agent, that there is indeed a ship; an itinerary; and a level of luxury and activity for virtually everyone.
So ... in this spirit; this belief that folks who own cottages should be able to experience the beauty and freedom of cruising; and paying particular attention to the financial well being of potential clients ...
I have created a special group cruise for cottagers and their family and friends.
We are departing Barcelona on September 27, 2012 (see, you have a long tome to save) on the Ruby Princess. We'll be on a 12 day Grand Mediterranean adventure, ending up in Venice. It will be a blast!
I have reserved several categories of cabin, so there should be a cabin for almost every budget. Fares (cruise only) will start about the $2,000/pp. In addition I have arranged for a US$75.00 on-board credit for every cabin, and everyone will also receive a coupon book worth over US$300.00 and that can be used for purchases while on board.
If you are interested, all it takes is a modest Cdn$200.00 (refundable) deposit. Final payment will be needed some time in June or July 2012.
The booking window is short and soon. If you are interested. please contact me asap. I will need certain information in order to book you. I need to hear from you by MAY 1, 2011.
Give me a shout through if you would like comprehensive information, and I'd be happy to include you in our happy, smiling band of adventurers.
Come join us won't you?