Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Remberance Day

As this Remberance Day approaches, I am reminded of my father, who spent the better part of 5 years in Europe fighting in the Second World War so that I - and my family - could enjoy the freedoms that so many seem to take for granted today.

It seems to me that it has become popular in some circles to believe that somehow 'we should all just get along', and that war has no place in today's world. This to me is more than gaulling. Are we to allow present day despots do what my father fought so hard to prevent? Have we become so politically correct, that even faced with overwhelming evidence that our 'western' way of life is being threatened in much the same way as was the civilized word when the Natzi's began their reign of terror? Can we not use our common sense to support the UN and NATO in the civilized world's opposition to the remarkable horror of what is now unfolding in Afganistan this very day?

The only difference that I see vs now and 1941, is that the Talaban and those who conspire with them have wrapped themselves up in a religious 'sheep's clothing', and that somehow, because of this religious angle, the conflict somehow does not threaten us in the same way as it did then.

I have read - and I believe - that Canada's army has never shot a gun unprovoked. But, I believe it is also true that Canada has always been one of the first to take up arms to defeat tyranny. And so I believe it should continue to be.

So tomorrow, I will be thinking of my dad, and my uncle and those many, many more who fought so many years ago to preserve our freedom. And, I will also be thinking of my fellow Canadians - both present and future - who have and will continue to put themselves in harms way so that we may continue to enjoy the freedom that my dad and his confederates fought so hard, so many years ago to protect.

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